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108 The Valley Avenue, Gungahlin, ACT 2912
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We are a community on a journey, we’ve grown from a small faith community planted in Ngunnawal in the early years of Gungahlin’s development to a thriving inclusive, intergenerational & multicultural community. As Gungahlin has grown we have seen a lot of change.
We are an open and inclusive community, everyone is welcome to use their gifts in worship, prayer, leadership, hospitality and teaching.
Every Sunday, 9:30am
Gungahlin Uniting Church and Community Centre
108 The Valley Avenue
Gungahlin, ACT, 2913
Worship is for all ages, (0 to 93!) and seeks to be meaningful in different ways for us all.
In Jesus Christ we see how he drew near to each and all and so we hope our worship expresses this nearness too.
We worship at the Gungahlin Uniting Church & Community Centre.
Find us on Google Maps here
Free parking is available in our on-site car park.
Light Rail
We are less than a 5 minute walk from the Gungahlin Place Light Rail Station.
The ACT has a number of bus options for people travelling around, or to Gungahlin. Timetables available here.